Outdoor class taught by Master Gardener.
Help advance the mission
Cultivating plants, people, and communities since 1973!
Support the Master Gardener Program

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Please contact our Statewide Program Leader if you require this information in a different format.

We use knowledge to empower healthy and resilient communities, but what if we could do more?

Your gift will support a greener, healthier Washington when you give to the WSU Extension Master Gardener Program Endowment.

Group of Master Gardeners learning about wire worms.

Funding priorities

The WSU Extension Master Gardener Program is raising money to establish the first ever faculty chair fully dedicated to the WSU Extension Master Gardener Program. A faculty chair will:

  • teach new and existing WSU Extension Master Gardeners cutting-edge horticulture and environmental stewardship in perpetuity.
  • create tools that support volunteer outreach such as publications and fact sheets.
  • represent the program locally, statewide, nationally, and internationally
  • partner and collaborate with like-minded organizations to leverage program strengths.
  • conduct meaningful research and develop robust curricula that will build upon our program and find solutions to address difficult challenges like climate change.

Impacts of Philanthropy

  • Donations help Extension Master Gardener volunteers impact food insecurity across the state by bringing communities together and by teaching them how to grow their own food. Through these efforts, Extension Master Gardeners are able to donate about 60,000 pounds of fresh produce to local food banks per year.
  • Donations allowed EMG volunteers to impact pollinator health and habitat by teaching about the importance of pollinators to food security and plant biodiversity, by helping people create pollinator habitat, and by making sure residents know about the safe use of pesticides to support pollinator health.
  • Donations support collaborations and partnership with organizations that do similar work to create fire-resistant neighborhoods, waterwise landscapes, and support clean water initiatives.
  • Through your donations volunteers are taught to be first detectors of invasive species, how to report potential invasive species, and hone plant and insect diagnostics skills.
Sunflower with two bees gathering pollen.

Get involved

Alumni and donors are welcome to participate in meetings, focus groups, and celebrations. Contact Statewide Program Leader, Jennifer Marquis, to learn more.

Resources to promote the endowment fund drive