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Information from Washington State University
Additional Climate Change Resources
Climate Commitment Act
The Climate Commitment Act (CCA) caps and reduces greenhouse gas emissions from Washington’s largest emitting sources and industries, allowing businesses to find the most efficient path to lower carbon emissions. This powerful program works alongside other critical climate policies to help Washington achieve its commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 95% by 2050.
Small Forest Landowner Adaptation Guidance
Developed by the University of Washington Climate Impacts Group, two regionally specific guides are available for small forest landowners that describe the most immediate climate impacts on forests and potential actions landowners can take to increase climate resilience.
National Climate Change Assessment
5th National Climate Change Assessment (NCA5). The latest research on Climate Change, produced by the US Global Change Research Program. Huge volume of material. Key subset to look at:
– Chapter 27, the Northwest (WA, OR, ID)
– Chapter 12, the Built Environment, Urban Systems and Cities
– Western Wildfires
Also, if you prefer videos to reading:
– Webinar Series
How Americans feel about Climate Change
Pew Research: How Americans feel about Climate Change. 10.25.2023